Thursday, March 19, 2009

R2-D2 has a new friend!

R2-D2 has a new friend; Meet Beer2-D3! This masterpiece was created by Paul Loughridge, aka "Lockwasher".

Below is what Beer2-D3 was created from:
-Head - 1945 chrome BLC utility light shell.
-Eye - vintage movie camera lens w/adjustable spring-loaded aluminum casing.
-Body - 4.7 liter “adult soda” mini-keg.
-Legs - propane tank valve handles, brass spacers, drilled-out washers, pair of aluminum Lady Josephine shoe butler (wall-mounted shoe shine holders).
-Feet/base - 3 mini bread loaf pans, lamp hardware and a 1/2″ precision drilled aluminum base plate.
+assorted nuts, bolts, screws and, of course - lockwashers!

Very cool. He is a "rolling" billboard for Heinekin but the best use of a keg I have ever seen! Imagine the awkward bleeps and bloops he could greet you with as you decide you need a cold one. Someone might just be the life of the party!

You can view Paul's Flickr Photostream to see more of his great creations.

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